Friday, November 03, 2006

I'm not dead...yet

To all (2) of my blog readers,

I apologize for the dearth of blog posts this past month. I can't believe it's been almost a month without any updates; again, my most sincerest apologies. I've noticed while reading many of your own blogs that you've used this as a mechanism for diversion. My sources of diversion in these perilous days of the LSAT, unfortunately, have been sulking, watching movies in bed, and falling asleep, upright in my bed, with the lights on. No blogging.

Please allow me to gather my thoughts a little bit as I pull myself out of this rut. I've already established myself a set of affirmations that I hope, upon daily--or perhaps even hourly-- repetitions will bring me back to my blog-dependancy.

Soon enough, you too/two (o, how I crack myself up) will come to understand these deep feelings of doubt and pain that I've been enduring at home, the clinic and at my LSAT class. Prepare to be dazzled.

Just know that looking at your own blogs have warmed my heart many a times throughout this past month.




cheryl said...

paul, this post makes me sad. hang in there. we can even trade lives if you like, but you might hate mine even more. haha.

why is pete in quotation marks?! hahahaha.

pete is the youngest son of the people my mom works for. i like to trip over nothing. what do you think?

priyanka said...

dear paul,
i miss you. in fact, i think i'm going to call you right now.

frank park said...

paul, i read your blog. so that's at least three.

Champagne Socialist said...

Yeah! And I'm a loyal fourth reader! I miss you too!



cheryl said...

homie. pete emailed. i'm high right now. miss you!