Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The little things

I think I've finally got it. I've finally fallen into a certain groove, a daily routine that gets me from week to week. Sadly enough, it is week to week, as opposed to day to day. Staying at home just doesn't have the daily surprises that come with attending school or teaching kids. As a result, I've had to find other things to keep me entertained and moving to the weekends which have fortunately been a pleasant refuge from dialysis and LSATs. I've spent all summer complaining about...everything. So perhaps it's time for a change. And now, ladies and gentlemen, the little things that before may have seemed mundane and unimportant but are now the reasons I wake up in the morning...

...driving past the crossguard who waves at me for no reason after I drop off my brother at school
...finding a stack of papers at the clinic to file in the records room. The records room happens to be the only room in the clinic that I can be alone and sing to myself
...eating lunch in the break room where I can listen in on conversations spoken in English, Korean, and Spanish
...putting my Sun Chips inside my turkey sandwich during said lunch time
...slipping out of the clinic without saying goodbye to the mean head nurse with chronically pursed lips and the belief that the male patients are trying to flirt with her
...the glorious complimentary mints at the LSAT class
...Sunday evening Amazing Race
...Sunday evening rerun of America's Next Top Model
...Sunday evening Brothers & Sisters
...waving at strangers who are running opposite me at the park
...exercising my vocal chops in the Toyota Cressida en route to Fort Worth and Dallas.

Screw the little things for now though. This Saturday I get to see Yo Yo Ma and Joshua Bell in concert at a big gala at the Meyerson. I just need to get my bow tie to finish off my black-tie outfit. Just one little accessory in preparation for what I hope will be a BIG event.


cheryl said...

paulo, i miss you and your complaining. are you going to move to LA? i am waiting to see you on Revenge of the Nerds X so that i could say i know paul park. oh for the good old days of summer.

Champagne Socialist said...

I always slip out of work without saying anything to anyone...get this though, for 6 weeks during my development job I was under the impression that the woman who sat in the cube next to me was just like your woman with the pursed lips...turns out she's way more interesting than I gave her credit for. This morning (my LAST DAY THERE!!!) she admired my colorful scarf, and make a really astute comment about, like, textiles? And then went on and on about how art and particularly textiles are her real passion and that she has two BFAs. I wasn't sure what to make of it until she gestured to the scarf lying on her desk, and mentioned that she had woven it herself, thirty years ago, with all natural dyes that she had made herself out of, like, roots and herbs from Africa! I was tremendously impressed. Just goes to show that cubes are very impersonable. But that was my little thing of the day.

cheryl said...

paulo. when i post my second comment, that means......................................................
time to post.

cheryl said...

ok that seemed mildly threatening.

please post!

cheryl said...

POLE. update!!!!

Champagne Socialist said...

yeah! now i have a second comment.

if you update, I will, kay? I promise. heehee.