Monday, June 05, 2006

A series of unfortunate events

Ok, first I must say that everything on this site is in Korean and only through an arduous trial and error process have I made it here to update. I'm such a pathetic Korean...don't even know my own language. So yes, I've arrived and am now sitting in an internet cafe typing to my heart's content. And while I realize how blessed I am to be sitting here in another country with a job, there have been some not-so-great moments that I must now elaborate...

1) Only ONE hot towel on the plane. What gives Korean Air??

2) After taking an Advil PM (NOT dramamine as I had mentioned earlier--my bad), I proceeded to fall asleep ONLY to wake up but a mere 2 hours later. 2 HOURS!!! And on top of that, I woke up in the middle of Failure to Launch. Now I'm never going to know what happened to Sarah and Matthew in the first of that dreadful movie.

3) The sky here is GRAY!!!! And the air is really awful. I miss Amherst and its beautiful blue sky.

4) Staying with my grandma has been a little more difficult than I had expected. It's great that she wants to see me and take care of me, but today when explaining to another one of my relatives why I couldn't come visit, she flat out lied about my whereabouts to make it seem like I was to blame for not being to visit. Way to be, Grandma.

5) My breath really stinks. Now I know why Asian girls cover their mouths when they laugh. Why does Korean food have to be so spicy and smelly? I need some curiously strong mints, NOW!

No more complaining. I miss Texas and Amherst and Ultimate DPs and Valentine breakfast food. (that doesn't count as complaining does it?) And can someone tell me how to put pictures up here?


frank park said...

come back!

priyanka said...

yeah! come back!

or stay there; that's fair too.
hope grandma and grey air work themselves out.

when you're writing a new post, there's a little square blue picture icon in the toolbar-y thing? you know? (sorry, i lack the technical writing skills.) anyway, if you find it, click on that to add a picture.

love, p